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IP&E 1st Spring Dinner "Aim High, Fly Higher"

IP&E hosted the 1st Spring Dinner on 3 February 2023 at W Hong Kong, which invited the management team of Citadel Pacific Ltd. (CPL), operators, distributors, media & other business partners to join. It was the first time the Philippines management team met and networked with guests and business partners. This year, the theme was "Aim High, Fly Higher". As the travel-related restrictions ended, we associated the dinner with the travelling theme.

The President & Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Delgado Jose Ricardo (CPL) and the Managing Director Mr. Eric Chan (IP&E) delivered welcome speeches successively, and sincerely thanked the partners for attending the dinner and support to IP&E in the past year.

After the award presentation, as IP&E always focuses on unleashing teenagers’ talent, we also invited some talented teenagers from Hong Kong Children & Youth Services to give dance and music performances with the objective to offer opportunities to showcase their talent on stage.


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